Quiet Company Board

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The Company

Friends  House (London) Hospitality Ltd

The Company was formed in 2008 and is responsible for providing a fully-managed facilities service at Friends House, Euston, the centrally-managed offices of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM).

The company is also responsible for running the commercial activities at Friends House and Swarthmoor Hall and is tasked to make a surplus each year to cover the running costs of the buildings and to gift aid any residue to BYM to contribute towards the work it does.

Services being provided are:

Building Service:

  • Reception and security
  • Cleaning
  • Office services
  • Building and grounds maintenance
  • Project management
  • Property Management

Commercial services:

  • Letting and events
  • Catering Services – Café, restaurant and hospitality catering
  • Accommodation Services
  • Visitor attraction

All business papers from 2011 onwards available on request.